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Zhu Xi's Request to Cai Shen to Compile the Collected Commentaries on the Book of Documents
作者 姜龍翔
Zhu Xi 朱熹 wrote extensively on the Classics, but not on the Book of Documents 尚書or the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋 It is generally believed that Zhu Xi entrusted Cai Shen 蔡沈 with the task of annotating the Book of Documents, and therefore that Cai was his favorite pupil with respect to the Book. This study brings together relevant records such as quotations and letters to analyze why Zhu Xi did not produce his own annotated Book of Documents. and investigate how he actually came to select his pupil to compile the Collected Commentaries on the Book of Documents 書集傳. This study finds that Cai Shen was not initially one of Zhu Xi's favorite pupils; it was in fact only six months before his death that Zhu Xi began to take notice of Cai Shen's understanding of the Book of Documents, and purposely arranged for Cai Shen to participate in the compilation of the Collected Commentaries. Unfortunatey, Zhu Xi suddenly became ill and died, hurriedly leaving instructions that Cai Shen should write the Collected Commentaries himself. This resulted in the inconsistencies that exist between master and pupil's views on the Book of Documents.
起訖頁 99-130
關鍵詞 朱熹蔡沈朱子學尚書書集傳Zhu XiCai ShenZhu Xi studiesBook of DocumentsCollected Commentaries on the Book of Documents
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201206 (30:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 宋代筆記與《江談抄》的體裁--說話與筆記的界限
該期刊-下一篇 百年論定──試論黃榦〈朱子行狀〉的書寫與朱熹歷史形象的形塑




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