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The Writing of Huang Gan's 'Zhu Zi Xing Zhuang' and Shaping of Zhu Xi's Historical Image
作者 鄭丞良
Completed in 1221, Huang Gan's 黃榦 ”Zhu Zi xing zhuang” 朱子行狀, has ever since been regarded as an important text for understanding Zhu Xi's 朱熹 life and thought. This paper suggests that Huang Gan regarded Zhu Xi's political discussions and actions as manifestations of his practice of the Way, which taken in parallel with the events of his life can then explain his establishment within the Confucian orthodoxy. The main themes of the first half of ”Zhu Zi xing zhuang” are concern for the people's hardships, opposing favoritism in court, and criticism of the prime minister. The final part converges on the anti-intellectualist campaign of Zhu Xi's later years.Huang Gan defends traditional values, establishing standards in accordance with Zhu Xi's political discussions with which he then judges the intricate political situation, and appraises those misguided prime ministers and dissidents that were once part of the same faction. In this attempt at a definitive judgment on Zhu Xi and his acceptance into the Confucian orthodoxy, Huang Gan shapes an historical view of Zhu Xi as a manifestation of the essence of the Way.
起訖頁 131-164
關鍵詞 道統黃榦朱子行狀慶元黨禁朱熹宋代Confucian orthodoxyHuang Gan 黃榦Zhu Zi xing zhuang 朱子行狀anti-intellectualismZhu Xi 朱熹Song dynasty
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201206 (30:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 朱子命蔡沈編修《書集傳》考
該期刊-下一篇 《四庫全書初次進呈存目》初探--編篡時間與文獻價值




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