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Song Dynasty Biji and the Style of the Godansho:The Boundary between Oral Literature and Note-Form Literature
作者 李育娟
Oe Masafusa 大江匡房 (1041-1111) was a late Heian-era 平安期 Japanese scholar accomplished in the study of Chinese classics, who actively sought contact with the Northern Song. He was made a high-ranking official in Dazaifu 太宰府, an important trading tow n, which enabled him to gather information concerning the Northern Song from visiting merchants. Acutely aware of trends in its neighbor across the water, Oe believed that if his Chinese prose and poetry works could only gain their recognition, it would bring him honor at home. From his words and deeds, Japanese researchers have presumed some possible connections exist between his works and the Northern Song. This survey of his late quotation-style work, the Godansho 江談抄, reveals that its literary sty le shares commonalities in character and form with Northern Song dynasty note-form literature. Current research of the Godansho chiefly focuses on it as a record of discourse or as a single volume of records for studying Chinese and Japanese classical allusions. There has not yet been a comprehensive survey and analysis of its composition as a whole. In comparing the Godansho stylistically with Northern Song note-form literature, this study adopts an alternative perspective in order to seek out different possibilities and explanations. Through thorough analysis, this research will also investigate the connections between the Godansho and the literature of the Northern Song dynasty. Today categorized as a work of Japanese setsuwa (說話 oral literature), discussion of the Godansho in this respect will also be integrated.
起訖頁 71-98
關鍵詞 大江匡房江談抄北宋筆記說話Õe MasafusaGodanshoNorthern Songnoteform Literaturesetsuwa
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201206 (30:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 後謝靈運時代的「風景」--以鮑照、謝朓為例
該期刊-下一篇 朱子命蔡沈編修《書集傳》考




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