漢學研究 Chinese Studies |
201112 (29:4期)期所有篇 |
- 《莊子》的死生隱喻與自然變化 Natural Change and Metaphors of Life and Death in the Zhuangzi
- 秦漢飲食禮儀及其象徵運用中的自然、身體與倫理觀 Nature, Body and Ethics in Qin-Han Food Etiquette and Its Use of Symbols
- 東晉「沙門袒服」論所反映儒、佛身體觀的順逆之辨及其文化意涵 Obeying' and 'Opposing' in Confucian and Buddhist Conceptions of the Body as Reflected in the Eastern Jin Debate over Buddhists'Baring the Right Shoulder'
- 從眾聲靜默到七絕典範一讀者對〈江南逢李龜年〉的接受與闡釋 The Reception and Interpretation of Du Fu's Poem 'Meeting Li Guinian by Chance South ofthe Yangtze'
- 金代前期散官制度--以《三朝北盟會編》中的《攬轡錄》為線索 Reconstructing the Early Jin Dynasty Sanguan System: Following Clues in the Lanpei Lu
- 元代新安理學的四個「轉向」 The Four Changes of Direction by the Xin'an Neo-Confuciansduring the Yuan Dynasty
- 待罪廣李--顏俊彥生平及《盟水齋存牘》成書的糾謬與新證 Fearfully Assuming the Duties of Prefectural Judge of Guangzhou: Revisiting Some Basic FactsConcerning the Life of Yan Junyan and His Casebook Mengshui Zhai Cundu
- 論章太炎的今古文經學觀 Zhang Taiyan's Notion of New and Old Text Classics Studies
- 轉折義副詞「反」、「卻」、「倒」的歷史演變與用法分布 The Historical Development and Performance of the Adversative Adverbs Fan, Que and Dao
- 孔子之狗一中國古代典籍文獻對於蓄犬意涵的探討 Confucius and His Dog: Perspectives on Animal Ownership in Early Chinese Ritual and Philosophical Texts
- 書評:評謝君直《郭店楚簡儒家哲學研究》 Book Reviews: Hsieh Chun-Chih, a Study on Confucian Philosophy in the Guodian Chu Slips
- 書評:評虞萬里《上博館藏楚竹書〈緇衣〉綜合研究》 Book Reviews;Yu Wanli, Shanghai Museum's ' Zi Yi' Bamboo Text: A Comprehensive Study
- 書評:評楊印民《帝國尚飲:元代酒業與社會》 Book Reviews: Yang Yinmin, the Empire Delighted in Drinking. Wineand Society in the Yuan Dynasty
- 書評:評(神、鬼與幫派:中國邊疆社會的儀式暴力,武術與男性氣質) Book Reviews: Avron Boretz, Gods, Ghossts, and Gangsters: Ritual Vìolence, Martial Arts, and Masculinity on the Margins of Chinese Society