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Nature, Body and Ethics in Qin-Han Food Etiquette and Its Use of Symbols
作者 林素娟
本篇文章希望探討飲食禮儀中食物與自然、身體的關係,以及飲食禮儀如何型塑身體感、體貌、和對性情、教化的影響。本文首先透過秦漢典籍對於風土與食物、身體的關係進行說明,以探討氣、風土、時令、大小字宙圖式於飲食禮儀中的豐富展現。其次,則對於秦漢時期有關食物質性的思考進行分析,並探討禮儀中種種食物的象徵性運用、食物陰陽屬性之分判,及其與行禮儀式間的關係。再者,飲食禮儀與身心教養的課題密切相闕,透過儀式中食物的象徵意涵,來達致身心的協調、倫理名分的確定、惰性的規範等重要功能。其中,飲食儀式中象徵符號的運用與身心教化之關係為本文探討的重點。最後,透過儀式中食物的象徵與隱喻, 以及對身心的型塑功能,探討自然、身體、教化間的密切關係。
This essay discusses the relationship between food, nature and the body in the food etiquette of the Qin and Han dynasties, and the influence of food etiquette on shaping bodily sensation and appearance, and the temperament and education of the individual. Firstly, this essay explains how the relationship between local natural environment and social customs, food, and the body was influenced via the important writings of the Qin and Han dynasties. Thus this paper explores the rich presence of qi氣, local surroundings and customs, season, and microcosm and macrocosm in the food etiquette of early imperial China Secondly, this paper analyzes considerations relating to the qualities of foods of the Qin-Han period, discusses the symbolic use of different foods in food etiquette, the classification of foods into yin 陰and yang 陽types, and the relationships between these foods and food etiquette in practice. Furthermore, the questions of food etiquette and education of body and mind are closely related. The symbolic meanings of foods used in food etiquette express important functions, such as the harmonization of body and mind, determination of the ethical status of individuals, and norms of temperament. Of these, the relationship between the use of foods as symbols in food etiquette and the education of body and mind form the main focus of the explorations in this essay. Finally, this paper discusses the close relationship between nature, body, and education through the use of foods as symbols and metaphors in food etiquette, and their function in shaping body and mind.
起訖頁 35-70
關鍵詞 飲食儀式象徵倫理身體宇宙觀dietritualsymbolethicsbodycosmology
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201112 (29:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《莊子》的死生隱喻與自然變化
該期刊-下一篇 東晉「沙門袒服」論所反映儒、佛身體觀的順逆之辨及其文化意涵




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