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Fearfully Assuming the Duties of Prefectural Judge of Guangzhou: Revisiting Some Basic FactsConcerning the Life of Yan Junyan and His Casebook Mengshui Zhai Cundu
作者 譚家齊
Yan Junyan's 顏俊彥 Mengshui zhai cundu 盟水齋存牘 is one of the most widely circulated and discussed judicial casebooks from the late Ming. By consulting newly available materials as well as by revisiting internal evidence from his casebook, this paper corrects some widely accepted misunderstandings about Yan Junyan's life. For instance, Yan's judicial career in Guangdong lasted from 1628 to 1633, and did not cease in 1630 with dismissal from office as suggested by almost all modern scholars. The second installment of the Mengshui zhai cundu comprises his cases from 1631 to 1633, the second term of Yan's service as prefectural judge of Guangzhou. On top of that, all the undated and questionable prefaces of the Mengshui zhai cundu are dated and verified. It is especially worth noting that the foreword by Li Yue 李樂 was originally addressed to a work by Yan Junyan's father, but was borrowed for the second impression of the Mengshui zhai cundu, probably printed in late 1644 or 1645, to aid the circulation of his son's casebook. The example of the Mengshui zhai cundu reflects the fact that frontline officials in the late Ming considered publishing and circulating their own enlightenedjudicial judgments in targeted circles or regions to be one of the keys to securing advancement in their careers.
起訖頁 201-219
關鍵詞 顏俊彥盟水齋存牘明代判牘推知行取李樂晚明Yan Junyan 顏俊彥Mengshui zhai cundu 盟水齋存牘MingJudiciial casesselection of supervising officials from the pool of local officialsLi Yue 李樂Iate Ming
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201112 (29:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 元代新安理學的四個「轉向」
該期刊-下一篇 論章太炎的今古文經學觀




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