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Zhang Taiyan's Notion of New and Old Text Classics Studies
作者 黃梓勇
When discussing late Qing intellectual history, past scholars have often equated Han Learning 漢學, which was highly respected in the Qing, with the Old Text school of Classics Studies 古文經學, as opposed to the New Text school of Classics Studies 今文經學. However they have failed to take into account the discourse of late Qing scholars who promoted the old text classics regarding the difference between the Old and New Text schools When discussing Zhang Taiyan's 章太炎 old text scholarship, for example, scholars have often continued to use the ideas of the Qing dynasty New Text school to develop their discourse, sometimes leading to over-simplification or errors of understanding. Through discussion of the process by which Zhang Taiyan established the concepts of Old Text Classics Studies, this paper aims on the one hand to correct some inaccuracies in the understanding of his views on Classics studies, and on the other to point out that the concepts of the New and Old Text schools consistently used by scholars are by no means self-evidently correct, and ought to be further analyzed.
起訖頁 221-251
關鍵詞 今文經學古文經學章太炎左傳漢學New Text schoolOld Text schoolZhang Taiyan 章太炎Zuozhuan 左傳Han Learning
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201112 (29:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 待罪廣李--顏俊彥生平及《盟水齋存牘》成書的糾謬與新證
該期刊-下一篇 轉折義副詞「反」、「卻」、「倒」的歷史演變與用法分布




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