200601 (45期)期所有篇 |
- 政務人力體系的新制度設計 The Design for New System of Political Personnel
- 論我國政務人員法制之建構與運作 On Establishment and Operation of Political Appointee Legal System
- 高級行政主管遴用制度之探討 A Study of Selection System for Higher Civil Service
- 美國政治任命制度之實施經驗與對我國的啟示 Inspiration of Political Appointment System Implementation Experience of the U.S. on Taiwan
- 政務人員法草案及政務人員俸給條例草案簡介 Introduction to Political Appointee Act Draft and Political Appointee Salary Regulation Draft
- 政務人員法律規範之探討 Research on the Regulation of Political Appointees
- 論公務人員之休閒活動 A Discussion about Civil Servants’Recreational Activities
- 人力資源管理方法對組織知識移轉之影響 The Effect of Human Resource Management Activities on Organizational Knowledge Transfer Process