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論我國政務人員法制之建構與運作   全文下載 全文下載
On Establishment and Operation of Political Appointee Legal System
作者 蔡良文
本文從政黨輪替後考試院第十屆施政綱領相關政策、政府改造過程的配套改革方案、政務人員法制之建構與發展予以說明評析,並引用史跋勒(SvaraJ H)之行政/政治分立二元模式,闡述政務人員與常務人員之分際,進而就政務人員法制人員提出檢討及具體建議。
In the globalization and political changes, the Examination Yuan, working with“changes”of government governance, grasps the“time”in order to obtain“flexibility”which is to“catching up with the time”to achieve“changes”and“flexibility”. Political affair leadership is the most direct channel to control the civilian officer system for the ruling party. Therefore, after reshuffling of political parties in 2000, political appointees and high-ranking civilian officers had to be reconstructed in the public officer system. Normally, function of the political affair level is to determine government policies and public resources allocation. Political appointees have to be responsible for the decision-making. Strategies, administration management and execution skill are three levels to maintain government operation. These three levels have to be conducted in accordance with political affair level and shall not deviate from policies.
We assess and explain policies of Tenth Guiding Principles of the Examination Yuan after political party reshuffling, and reform projects of government restructure procedures, establishment and development of political appointee legal system with introduction of dual Dichotomy-Duality Model by Svara J. H. to elaborate distinction between political appointees and career civil servants and further offer discussions and concrete suggestions on political appointees and judicial personnel.
起訖頁 20-42
關鍵詞 政務人員政務職位政務領導政治責任全球治理political appointeespolitical positionsgovernment affair leadershippolitical responsibilityglobal governance
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200601 (45期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 政務人力體系的新制度設計
該期刊-下一篇 高級行政主管遴用制度之探討




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