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政務人員法律規範之探討   全文下載 全文下載
Research on the Regulation of Political Appointees
作者 王文忠
At the present time, the fundamental law of the political appointees isn’t enacted entirely in our country. As the office and duty, appointment, behavior regulations, right and obligation, penalties, and demission to the political appointees are unregulated or regulated in different acts. There are disturbances and issues of regulation happened often that caused by aforementioned defect. However, the party politics and democratic politics have been developing soon in our country. Therefore, it is a clamant need for reforming the fundamental law of the political appointees integrally.
Another’s good quality or suggestion may be used to remedy one’s own defects so that the successful or defeated experiences of foreign systems could be our learning example. Consequently, it would be written remarks giving criticizing and presenting on foreign systems in this article. Especially, the Game Theory is considered as an instrument to overlook the policy of enacting the office and duty of the political appointees. And the results of overlooking will be a suggestion to reform the bill.
Furthermore, it will be criticized severally on the appointment and behavior regulations to the political appointees. The qualification of appointment, procedure of appointment, swearing, examining to morality and allegiance, properties declaration, and whatnot for the appointment part would be criticized and analyzed as well as the duty of confidentiality, limitation of plurality, interdiction of behavior, interdiction of abuse of power, interdiction of particularly political behavior, appointment, demission, penalties, etc for the behavior regulations side to the political appointees. At the meantime, the suggestion will also be presented.
起訖頁 98-132
關鍵詞 政務人員賽局理論囚犯兩難政務人員法行為規範Political appointeesGame TheoryPrisoner’s dilemmaLaw of the political appointeesBehavior regulations
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200601 (45期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 政務人員法草案及政務人員俸給條例草案簡介
該期刊-下一篇 論公務人員之休閒活動




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