200804 (54期)期所有篇 |
- 我國國家公務員選用制度變革之策略性議題:美英日三國改革經驗與啟示 Strategic Analysis of Civil Service Recruitment in Taiwan , R.O.C:Lessons from USA , UK and Japan
- 全球化與國家考選制度之變革 Globalization and Reform of National Recruitment System
- 從文官體制改革脈絡論考試權之發展 The Development of Examination Power from the Context of Civil Service System Reform
- 全球化下考試制度研析:兼論美、英、日、韓經驗 Analysis on Examination System under Globalization:Including Experience of the US, the UK, Japan and Korea
- 國家考試彰顯之人權意義 The Significance of Manifesting Human Rights in the National Examination System
- 法國專門職業與外國資格認許制度 France Professions Systems and Foreign Qualifications Recognition
- 日本對外國人的公職就任權之爭議 The Debates on the Foreigners’Right to Take Office as Public Employees in Japan
- 管制治理之芻議 On Regulatory Governance