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國家考試彰顯之人權意義   全文下載 全文下載
The Significance of Manifesting Human Rights in the National Examination System
作者 李震洲
Minister of Examination, Dr. Chia-Cheng Lin, has served four full years since his appointment in May 2004. Among his numerous accomplishments while serving in this capacity, knowledge management (KM) promotion, expanded administration of computerized testing, promotion of online registration, and easing of Ministry regulations come readily to mind.
Easing of Ministry regulations is particularly emblematic of the safeguarding of human rights. For instance, the majority of restrictions related to gender have been eliminated, with explicit quotas for male and female candidates given only in select cases where applicable; the Consultative Committee for Gender Equality in National Examinations was established to carefully review the necessity of restrictions; physical examination requirements were eliminated from examination procedures or standards eased; maximum age restrictions on examination candidates were revoked or raised. In each case, these measures were integrated from theoretical framework and constitutional articles into regulations governing examinations, thereby safeguarding human rights.
Of additional note, the Ministry has progressively enhanced the representative nature of the civil service system, regularly administering Civil Service Special Examinations for indigenous peoples and the handicapped, actively working with employing agencies to report quotas to be fulfilled. The administration of regular annual examinations thereby safeguards the rights of disadvantaged groups and fully reflects their proportionate representation in society. In other words, representative significance should be considered as part of a whole along with selection of qualifiers according to level of achievement, so that civil servant recruitment does not hinge on any given single review criterion such as egalitarian formality or administrative efficiency.
起訖頁 66-80
關鍵詞 人權保障代表性文官擇優錄取弱勢族群human rights protectionrepresentative civil servantsselection based on meritdisadvantaged groups
刊名 考銓季刊  
期數 200804 (54期)
出版單位 考試院
該期刊-上一篇 全球化下考試制度研析:兼論美、英、日、韓經驗
該期刊-下一篇 法國專門職業與外國資格認許制度




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