台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202301 (4:1期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣教育改革的開創者與領航者:郭為藩教授的立德立功立言 The Pioneer and Leader of Education Reform in Taiwan: Professor Wei-Fan Kuo’s Meritorious Service and Speech
- 臺灣教育哲學研究新里程碑的奠基者:歐陽教教授的學術創新與貢獻 The Founder for a New Milestone of Educational Philosophy Research in Taiwan: Professor Oscar Jiaw Ouyang’s Academic Innovation and Contribution
- 國內教改運動中官方與民間團體推動教學方法實踐之遞嬗分析 A Evolutionary Analysis of the Practice of Teaching Methods Promoted by Officials and Civil Society in the Domestic Education Reform Movement
- 英國半官方教育智庫的運作與影響:以ESRC為例 How British Semi-official Education Think Tank Works and Its Influence: The Case of ESRC
- 大學永續發展與經營的策略、困境與解決途徑 Strategies, Difficulties and Resolving Approach in University Sustainable Development and Management
- 大學生的社會情緒能力現況分析:以北臺灣一所公立大學為例 Analysis of the Current Situation of University Students’Social and Emotional Competences: A Case Study of a Public University in Northern Taiwan
- 大學外籍生與樂齡長者之跨文化代間共學參與障礙初探 A Preliminary Study on Participation Barriers of Intercultural and Intergenerational Co-Learning between Foreign Students and Senior Citizens
- 十二年國教課程綱要研修與審議協作模式之建構 The Construction of the Collaborative Model for the Development and Review Mechanism of the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines
- 國中小學校本位在地課程轉化國際教育課程之分析 Analysis of School-Based Local Curriculum Transforming to International Education Curriculum in Junior High and Elementary Schools
- 中小學校長專業發展輔導工具研發之初探 A Preliminary Study of the Coaching Tool of Elementary and Secondary School Principals’Professional Development
- 芬蘭與臺灣的數學課程改革之研究:1960年至2021年 A Study of Mathematics Curriculum Reform in Finland and Taiwan: From 1960 to 2021
- 歐盟《全球教育指南》對我國中小學全球教育的啟示 The Enlightenment of the European Union«Global Education Guideline»to the Global Education of Elementary and Secondary Schools in Taiwan
- 包容教育及其對師資培育的啟示 Inclusive Education and Its Significance for Teacher Education
- 我國學生在PISA 2018全球素養的認知表現及其教育意涵 The Investigation and Implication of the Performance of Taiwanese Students in PISA 2018 Global Competence Assessment