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Analysis of School-Based Local Curriculum Transforming to International Education Curriculum in Junior High and Elementary Schools
作者 洪麗卿 (Li-Ching Hung)
國際教育已普遍成為各國教育推展的重要趨勢之一。教育部於 2011 和 2020年分別公布中小學國際教育白皮書 1.0 和 2.0,並透過學校本位國際教育計畫(SIEP)的補助來推動。然而,從教育部國際教育白皮書 2.0 定義和國際教育議題之實質內涵轉化至現場課程實踐卻產生落差。本文旨在透過兩個縣市之 SIEP輔導工作坊 SIEP 計畫內容進行內容質性分析,探究國中小階段學校本位在地課程轉化為國際教育課程之常見問題,並找出解決方案,提出具體建議。研究發現:一、部分在地議題未能鑲嵌在全球脈絡下,所展現之國際視野稍弱;二、全球議題僅限縮在個人實踐層次,較少觸及國家、區域組織或全球體系層次;三、課程實施窄化為英語文主題教學。最後,根據研究結果,筆者提出系統觀、相互依存觀、相互參照觀之課程思維取徑作為建議,以供是類學校推展學校本位國際教育課程發展之參考。
International Education generally became one of the important trends in education promotion throughout the world. The Ministry of Education announced White Paper on International Education 1.0 and 2.0 for elementary and secondary schools in 2011 and 2020, and provided funds through School-based International Education Program (SIEP) to support schools’ implementation. However, there were gaps between the ideal curriculum and educational practice. This study aimed at exploring the dilemma of schools connecting the school-based localized curriculum to International Education curriculum in junior high and elementary schools. The qualitative content analysis was adopted to analyze thirty-nine SIEPs of consultation workshops in two counties. The findings as follows: First, some localized issues weren’t embedded in the global contexts and lacked international perspectives. Second, global issue inquiries were limit to personal level and weren’t connected to countries, regional organizations, or global systems level. Third, international curriculum was narrowed down to English thematic teaching. This paper also provides suggestions of perspectives of system, interdependence, and reciprocal reference for the design of the school-based localized curriculum to International Education curriculum in junior high and elementary schools.
起訖頁 187-206
關鍵詞 國際教育課程發展學校本位課程學校本位國際教育計畫curriculum developmentinternational educationschool-based curriculumschool-based international education project
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202301 (4:1期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 十二年國教課程綱要研修與審議協作模式之建構
該期刊-下一篇 中小學校長專業發展輔導工具研發之初探




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