台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202112 (2:6期)期所有篇 |
- 幼教生態的觸動與變革:檢視準公共教保服務政策 The Influence and Change of the Early Childhood Educare Ecology: An Review on the Quasi-Public Early Childhood Educare Policy
- 新管理主義下臺灣師資培育品質保證政策的發展與省思 The Development and Reflection of the Quality Assurance Policy for Teacher Preparation in Taiwan Based on the New Managerialism
- 師資培育課程基準改革之後:素養導向、能力發展與新教師專業 "After the Curriculum Benchmark Reform of Teacher Education: Competencies-Orientation, Capabilities Approach, and New Teacher Profession"
- 從師資培育課程落實永續發展教育 Implement Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education Curriculum
- 多元教學策略於師資培育「職業教育與訓練」課程之教學實踐研究 Pedagogical Praxis of Applying Multidimensional Teaching Method in the Vocational Education and Training of Teacher Education Course
- 大學法、師資培育法與師範學院課程的轉型歷程:以臺東師院為例 The Curriculum Transformation of Teachers College under University Law and Teacher Education Law: The Case of National Taitung Teachers’College
- 雙語教育在師資培育課程的問題之探析 An Inquiry of the Problems of Preservice Teacher Education Curriculum Programs for Bilingual Education
- 中國大陸「鄉村教師支持計畫(2015-2020)」的分析與啟示 The Analysis and Enlightenment of“Support Plan for Rural Teachers in Mainland China (2015-2020)”
- 原住民知識體系內容的建構、轉化及傳承的分析:以原住民小學自然領域學科教科書為例 "Analysis of the Construction, Transformation and Inheritance of the Content of the Indigenous Knowledge System: A Case Study of the Indigenous Elementary School Science Textbooks"
- 初任小學校長第一年之心路歷程分析 The Concerns and Priority for an Elementary School Principal in the First Year
- 假新聞與媒體識讀認知理論之分析探討 Discussion on the Promotion of News Media Literacy and Evaluation to Prevent Fake News
- 澳洲師資培育政策發展:師資生識讀與數學考試(LANTITE)探析 The Development of Teacher Education in Australia: The Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education
- 應用腦波測驗技術建構個人化中小學校長領導專業發展課程模式 Applying Brainwave Tests to Construct a Curriculum Model for School Leaders’Professional Development
- 學校效能模式對越南學生科學學業成就影響之階層線性模式分析 Hierarchical Linear Modeling Analysis on the Impact of Effective School Model Factors on Students’Science Academic Achievement in Vietnam