201903 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 自由主義者從政的悲劇──論「吳國楨事件」及其始末 The Tragedy of a Liberalist Who Pursues a Political Career: On the Whole Story of the“Guo-zhen Wu Incident”
- 戰後臺灣政商關係探析 An Analysis of Taiwan's Political and Business Relations after the War
- 從兩岸協議監督條例草案的提案及審議看行政院困境 Analyzing the Predicament of the Executive Yuan from the Proposal and Discussion Process of the Draft of Cross-Strait Agreements Supervisory Act
- 從陳水扁的決戰境外到蔡英文的重層嚇阻析論民進黨兩次執政時期的國防政策 An Analysis on Defense Policy of Two DPP Administrations: From Chen Shui-bian's Decisive Battlefield Outside Territory to Tsai Ing-wen's Multiple Deterrence
- 招牌的隱喻:走讀城市的街道文字 The Metaphoric Signs: Browsing through Street Characters in Cities
- 解讀聖薩萬教堂拱頂壁畫 Study of the Romanesque Mural Paintings of the Abbey Church of Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe Resume
- 淺談藝術家Frida Kahlo的「戀父」與「孕育」 Talking about Frida Kahlo's“Electra”and“Gestation”
- 臺灣當代客家流行音樂初探──論結構上的平面之美 A Preliminary Study of Contemporary Hakka Pop Music in Taiwan: On the Aesthetics of the Synchronic Structuralism
- 樂團教學輔以數位音樂研究 The Application of Digital Music to Orchestra Course
- 多重的觀看:談侯孝賢《紅氣球》之影像書寫 Multi-Watching on the Image Writing in Hou Hsiao Hsien Le Voyage du Ballon Rouge
- 戒嚴時代台語電影「異色片」初探 A Preliminary Study of the Taiwanese“Erotica Film”in Martial Law Period (1949-1987) in Taiwan
- 從家庭理論探討聖經中《路得記》家庭成員之關係 An Initial Exploration of Family Theory Based on the Family Relationship in The Book of Ruth