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An Initial Exploration of Family Theory Based on the Family Relationship in The Book of Ruth
作者 李天頌
The Book of Ruth is a very elegant book in the Bible, which mentions some Jewish family customs, that are very similar to the Chinese ones, but there are also some differences. This research paper breaks away from the various types of research in the past. It examines the book from the perspective of family theory, in accord with structural functionalism, social exchange theory, symbolic interactionism, family systems theory, and ecological systems theory. The paper explores the meaning of relationship among family members. From the theological point of view, Ruth is a story about the virtues of a Gentile (a person who is not Jewish) woman. She persists in commitment, maintains trust, never gives up hope, and reveals to us that true life is faith and self-fulfillment. Only by finding the lost human dignity can we truly see the glory of God. In Ruth, the above five theories explain the level of influence on individuals, families, and social culture at that time, and“family relationship.”This research will further explain family relationship in terms of the ecosystem theory. A good marriage relies neither money nor on love. It requires a godly belief as the foundation. Because of the devout faith, the family will be dedicated and faithful.
起訖頁 251-272
關鍵詞 家庭理論家庭成員生態系統理論敬虔的信仰family theoryfamily relationshipecosystem theoryfaith
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201903  (8期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 戒嚴時代台語電影「異色片」初探




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