中正漢學研究 Chung Cheng Chinese Studies |
201206 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 從吞恨到感恩:見證白色恐怖 From Grief to Blessing: A Testimony of the White Terror
- 楚系文字「崇」字構形補說兼論相關問題 Chu Character“Suì”Configuration Makes up Said that Concurrently Discussed the Related Question
- 詞典編輯與經典詮釋語言比較研究:以《說文解字》與經學文獻用宇訓義為論 The Research of Analysis of Language Features on Dictionary Editing and Classics Interpretation: by the Explaining Meaning of“Shuo Wen Jie Zi”and the Classical Documents
- 《莊子》的夢寓書寫與身心修養:魂交、無夢、夢中夢、蝶夢、寫夢 Interpretation of Five“Dream”Fables in Zhuang Zi
- 從哀傷到哀而不傷:陳子昂與張九齡的「感遇」詩對比研究 From Plaintive to Plaintive without Being Morbid: A Comparison Study on the Poems Entitled“Stirred by My Experience” of Ch'en Tzu-ang and Chang Chiu-Ling
- 墨梅畫禪與比德寫意:南北床之際詩、畫、禪之融通 Portraying Zen as Inky Plum Blossoms, Using Metaphors for Moral Descriptions and the Art of Freehand: the Blending of Poetry, Paintings and Zen in Song Dynasty
- 從劉基佚作看宗譜中名家作品的真偽問題 Genuine or Fake: the Authenticity of Works in Pedigree Signed by Famous Artists
- 舞鶴〈拾骨〉與大江健三郎〈死者的傲氣〉中死者意象之比較研究 A Comparison of Images of the Dead in Wuhe's“Bone Collecting”and Kenzaburo Oe's“Lavish Are the Dead”
- 從觀看到閱讀:明清廣告中圖像與文字的演變 From Viewing to Reading: The Evolution of Visual Advertising in Late Imperial China
- 林紓及其作品在臺灣考辨 On Shu Lin and His Works in Taiwan
- 梁啟超救國實踐的文化進路:以新民思想為主要線索 Cultural Change of Liang Ch'i-Ch'ao's Practice to Save the Country with Citizens'New Thoughts as Main Clue
- 中國文學的經典化進程和中西方經典的異同:以域外中國文學經典觀為中心 Dynamics of the Canon of Chinese Literature - Foreign, Domestic and Historical Differences and Their Transition, with a Focus on the Foreign Canon of Chinese Literature