雙溪教育論壇 The Educational Forum of Soochow University |
201910 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 師資生教學實務能力檢測指標評量基準用後評析與修訂 Post-use Evaluation and Revision of Teaching Practice Ability Verification Rubrics for Students in Teacher Pre-service Education
- 跨域協同教學與設計思考之行動研究:以高等教育課程為例 An Action Research on Interdisciplinary Collaborative Teaching and Design Thinking in a Higher Education Course
- 從課堂的「學習共同體」教學實境檢視學生的學習動機——以某高中的一堂選修課程為例 Manabu Sato's Learning Community and Student’s Learning Motivation in a High School’s Classroom
- 學科自我概念與學生社會責任感對服務學習課程 滿意度影響之研究——以服務學習管理平台為中介 變項 Influence of Self-Concept Toward the Subject and Students’ Sense of Social Responsibility on Service-Learning Course Satisfaction: Student Service-Learning Management Platform as a Mediator
- 大學服務學習課程之教學實踐與省思 A Pedagogic Practice & Reflection of the College Service Learning Course
- 教育桌遊對中學生日語會話學習動機的影響——以某技術型高中日文科為例 The Influence of Educational Board Games on Middle School Students' Motivation in Japanese Conversation--A Case Study of a Vocational High School Japanese Language Section
- 以流行歌曲多媒體文本建構跨域課程與教學之研究 A Study on the Construction of Interdisciplinary Curriculum and Teaching in Multimedia Texts of Popular Songs
- 情感教育議題融入國文科教學實務研究——以〈一棵開花的樹〉為例 The Case Studies on the Combination of Chinese Language Teaching And Issues in Affective Education