臺北大學中文學報 Journal of Chinese Literature of National Taipei University |
201503 (17 期)期所有篇 |
- 《詩經》互文補義與互文見義的辨析 An Argumentative Analysis of the Semantic Differences between the Complementary Mutual Texts and Manifestive Mutual Texts in The Book of Poetry
- 創造性詮釋──七齣改編劇作的時代意義 Creative Interpretation The Significance of Seven Performances Adapted from Chinese Literature
- 《洛陽伽藍記》收錄〈庭山賦〉之動機再探 Exploring the Motive of Luoyang Qielan Ji in Citing Ting Shan Fu
- 從「理一分殊」命題的現代詮釋論宗教發現的邏輯 The Logic of the Discovery of Religion in the Perspective of a Modern Interpretation of the Confucian proposition of “the Li is one but its manifestations are manyo
- 儒家經典詮釋的集成──以戴震為核心 A study on the classical interpretation of DaiZhen
- 孔子與實踐智慧 Confucius and practical wisdom
- 從「漢唐之辯」談陳亮對王通思想之承繼與開展 A Discussion on the Chen Liang's Inheritance and Development on Thoughts of Wang Tong from Han-Tang Debateilk Book “Dau Yuan” ' Jiong Tong Da Xu'interpretation
- 何足道哉:《倚天屠龍記》中張無忌的原型及其領悟 The archetype of Zhang Wuji and his initiation: a study of Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
- 楊基生年再考及其詩中「木入斗」問題 The Establishment of Yang Ji's Birth Dateilk Book “Dau Yuan” 'Jiong Tong Da Xu' interpretation