漢學研究集刊 Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies |
200806 (6期)期所有篇 |
- 審察常度識才德──從《太平御覽˙知人》論古代「觀人術」 On the Observation of One's Talent and Virtue Based on One's Behaviors— Ancient Chinese 'Ways of Observing People' in the 'Knowing People' Chapter of Taiping Yulan
- 胡仔《苕溪漁隱叢話》論蘇試探析 On the Poetry Study Thought about Su-Shi of 'A Clump of Speech of Tiao-Xi-Yu-Yin'
- 從《解慍編》到《廣笑府》──談一部明刊笑話書的流傳與改編 From Xie Yun Bian to Guang Xiao Fu─ A discussion on the circulation and pirating of one joke book published during the Ming Dynasty
- 清代《說文》校勘材料輯錄析論──以他書所引異文為論述中心 Analysis on the Compilation of Textual Criticism of 'Shuo Wen' in Ching Dynasty
- 重讀章學誠《文史通義˙婦學》 The Study on Chang Hsueh-Cheng's Attitude towards Women Learning in Wen-Shih Tong-Yih
- 「結交滄若水,履道直如弦」──熊十力與梁漱冥之間的四點觀察 (Hsiung Shih-li and Liang Shu-ming's) 'Friendship is, like water, ordinary and permanent; learning is, like the string of bow, straightforward and persistent.'─ Concerning Four Observations of Hsiung Shih-li and Liang Shu-ming
- 論《周禮˙考工記》手工業原材料詞語系統的特徵 The Textual Research of the Word's Relationship of Handicraft Raw and Processed Materials in Kaogongji
- 虛無,也是一種抗議的姿態──論林懷民與王尚義的存在主義小說 Nihility, is also an attitude of protest─ Discussing the existentialism novels of Lin Hwai-Min and Wang Shang-yi