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The Study on Chang Hsueh-Cheng's Attitude towards Women Learning in Wen-Shih Tong-Yih
作者 林心欣
章學誠的〈文史通義〉一書為清代學術重要著作,章氏雖以史學聞名, 在史學理論及著述上多有闡發,但〈文史通義〉一書卻有許多篇章專門闡揚 其文學理念,值得深究。本文從章學誠與袁枚二人對婦女才學的有無與婦學 內容的爭議這一角度切入,結合歷來學者對章學誠的研究與女性文學的研究 者對女性「才德觀」的討論,試圖對〈文史通義˙婦學〉一文重新予以定義。雖然,章學誠所提出的婦學觀點確實較復古僵化,但他的論點卻深切反映 當時反對女性接受教育並投入社會、參與社會文化的那股保守勢力。章學誠 的〈婦學〉一文確實針對袁枚而發,但他所攻擊的並非單就袁枚個人,而是 袁枚背後所代表的思想解放、重視女性文才和對社會倫理制度的批判與修正 等等的文化意涵。〈婦學〉一文絕非單純的讀罵或是洩憤之作,而是章學誠 在經過鎮密的考量之下,所展現他對當時社會號稱「才女輩出」致使原有的 倫理綱常似乎搖搖欲墜下的深切關懷。
Chang Hsueh-Cheng was well-known for his historical achievements in Ching Dynasty, especially not only in his works but also in his renewed theories in historiography. In Wen-Shih Tong-Yih, Chang's famous book, which was represented a kind of academic accomplishment during that time, it is much worth exploring his ideas about literary learning. This essay is about to focus on an article In Wen-Shih Tong-Yih, Women Learning, which is mostly against his contemporary rival Yuan Mei's point-of -view. By examining his attitude towards it, we can discover its underlying meaning and moreover, we can redefine it. Despite some feminists' negative comments on his rigidness and revivalism, what Chang much concerned about is to rebuilt up the tottering ethical creeds. No wonder Chang was opposed to those who advocated that all women should be educated.
起訖頁 165-196
關鍵詞 章學誠文史通義文學觀婦學Chang Hsueh-ChengWen-Shih Tong-YihLiterary ViewpointsWomen Learning
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200806 (6期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 清代《說文》校勘材料輯錄析論──以他書所引異文為論述中心
該期刊-下一篇 「結交滄若水,履道直如弦」──熊十力與梁漱冥之間的四點觀察




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