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On the Observation of One's Talent and Virtue Based on One's Behaviors— Ancient Chinese 'Ways of Observing People' in the 'Knowing People' Chapter of Taiping Yulan
作者 曾美雲
Many accounts of observing people can be found in ancient Chinese historical texts. The 'Knowing People' Chapter of Taiping Yulan divided this art of knowing people into two general categories: 'observing people' and 'physiognomy.' In this paper, I would focus on 'observing people'. My examination of these accounts would be made on four aspects: the content of prediction, the purpose of knowing people, the method of knowing people, and the theoretical foundation. Based on my analysis of the records on 'observing people,' I draw up certain conclusions. First, the predictions made based on the methods of 'observing people' focuses on the narration about one's talents and virtue. Second, the motivation that prompt one to 'observe people is usually for recruiting officials for the government. Third, the method of 'observing people' is the observation of people's behaviors. Therefore, the bservation of people takes a much longer time than physiognomy due to the consideration of possible implications when one is put on an office.
起訖頁 29-80
關鍵詞 知人觀人《太平御覽》才性Knowing peopleTaiping YulanObserving PeopleTalent and Virtue
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200806 (6期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 胡仔《苕溪漁隱叢話》論蘇試探析




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