長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200709 (18:3期)期所有篇 |
- 女性接受美容豐胸手術後執行健康促進行為之探討 Women’s Health Promoting Behavior Following Cosmetic Breast Augmentation
- 發展有氧運動訓練方案及衛教手冊於癌症導致疲憊之患者 Development of an Aerobic Exercise Training Protocol and Educational Manual for Patients with Cancer Related Fatigue
- 糖尿病患下肢截肢相關因素之探討 A Study on the Incidence and Associated Factor of Lower Leg Amputation in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
- 護理人員的激勵與工作滿意度之相關性研究 A Study of Correlation between Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in a Hospital
- 適應之概念分析 Adaptation: A Concept Analysis
- 糖尿病腎病變患者的護理 Nursing Care of Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy
- 重症病人的營養照護 Nutritional Support and Nursing Care for Critically lled Patients
- 脂肪栓塞症候群之診斷與護理 Fat Embolism Syndrome: Diagnosis and Nursing Care
- 腦瘤患者手術前焦慮之照護 Caring for Preoperative Anxiety of Patients with Brain Tumor
- 下肢動脈潰瘍護理處置原則 The Principle of Management for Lower Extremity Arterial Ulceration
- 精神科住院病人口腔衛生不良改善方案 Oral Hygiene Improvement Project for Psychiatric Inpatients
- 提昇病人使用連續被動運動器正確性之改善方案 The Project of Improving Accuracy of Patient’s Operating Continuous Passive Motion Equipment
- 探討一位腦性麻痺患孩父親從發現患孩異常至治療階段的經驗 Explore a Father’s Experiences of a Child with Cerebral Palsy: From Discovering Abnormality to Treatment
- 運用宗教療法照護一位脊髓損傷病患無望感之護理經驗 Application of Religion Therapy on Hopelessness of Spinal Cord Injured Patient
- 一位初次診斷急性骨髓性白血病病患之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Patient with Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- 一位接受心臟移植手術患者面臨健康尋求行為之護理經驗 Nursing Experiences of a Heart Transplant Patient Faced with Health Promoting Activities
- 一位胃癌病患接受全胃切除手術之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Gastric Cancer Patient with Total Gastrectomy