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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
A Study of Correlation between Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in a Hospital |
作者 |
胡玉英、李碧霞 (Pi-Hsia Lee)、張媚、孫吉珍 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在瞭解護理人員的激勵與工作滿意度的現況,以及兩者間的關係。採描述相關性研究設計,以臺北市某區域教學醫院現職工作滿6個月以上的全體護理人員為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣,以激勵量表及工作滿意度量表,進行問卷調查。共發出330份問卷,得有效問卷290份,回收率為87.9%。研究結果為:1.激勵的平均得分為3.29分(滿分5分),內在激勵得分高於外在激勵,而以外在財務性激勵最無法獲得滿足。2.工作滿意度的平均得分為3.18分(滿分5分),以工作伙伴滿意度最高,而升遷成長滿意度最低。3.激勵與工作滿意度有顯著正相關(r=.62, p<.001);激勵可解釋工作滿意度43%的變異量(p<.001),且以外在激勵預測力較高。期望主管能重視激勵對滿意度的影響,改善醫院內的激勵方式,以提高工作滿意度。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this descriptive correlation study was to examine the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction among hospital nurses. Nurses who worked at a regional teaching hospital in Taipei for at least 6 month prior to the study were recruited based on a stratified sampling method. A total number of 330 nurses participated in this study and 290 completed questionnaires were analyzed (response rate: 87.9%). Nurses were asked to complete two self-reported questionnaires, the motivation scale and the job satisfaction questionnaire. The average score of motivation was 3.29 on a 1 to 5 scale. Intrinsic motivation score was found to be higher than extrinsic motivation score. The lowest average score among all motivation domains was financial motivation. The average score of job satisfaction was 3.18. Nurses were most satisfied with co-workers and least satisfied with promotion prospects and personal growth. Motivation was found to be positively associated with job satisfaction level (r=.62, p<.001). About 43% of the variation of job satisfaction could be explained by the motivation (p<.001). The most significant predictor for job satisfaction was the extrinsic motivation. It is recommended that hospital administrators should focus on motivation and improve methods of motivation to increase nurses’ job satisfaction. |
起訖頁 |
341-351 |
關鍵詞 |
護理人員、激勵、工作滿意度、nurse、motivation、job satisfaction |
刊名 |
長庚護理 |
期數 |
200709 (18:3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
糖尿病患下肢截肢相關因素之探討 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
適應之概念分析 |