心肌梗塞恢復期男性患者的性知識、性態度與性生活變化的相關研究 A Correlation Study on the Sexual Knowledge, Attitude, and Sexual Life Changes of Male Patients with Myocardial Infarction during Recovery Period
危機理論的應用:以一位初次獲知診斷之癌症病患為例 The Application of Crisis Theory: An Example of a Patient with Newly Diagnosed Cancer
食道靜脈曲張之治療及護理 Management and Nursing Care for Patient with Esophageal Varices
護理人員面對知情同意的倫理困境 The Ethical Dilemma of Nursing Staff Facing Informed Consent
造口用具應用於腹膜炎術後併有開放性引流管傷口照護之成效 Improvement of the Ostomic Materials Applying on Postoperative Peritonitis with Open-drainage
某醫學中心胃腸肝膽科病房護理人員針扎發生率改善專案 A Project for Needlesticks Prevention in the Gastroenterology Ward of a Medical Center
應用Rogers理論於一位手術後黏連性腸阻塞引起疼痛之學齡前期兒童的護理經驗 An Experience of Caring for a Pre-school Child with Post-operative Abdominal Adhesion by Applying Rogers Theory to Clinical Setting
心衰竭併活動無耐力之案例分析 Heart Failure with Activity Intolerance--A Case Analysis
一位手部外傷病患接受顯微重建之護理經驗 Nursing Care Experience for a Hand Crushing Injury Patient Receiving Microsurgical Reconstruction
運用羅氏理論協助一早產兒母親適應母職角色 Roy Theory for a Premature Baby’s Mother to Adapt the Role of Motherhood