202009 (2020:5期)期所有篇 |
- 對我國《民法典》上“民事責任”的體系化考察 Systematic Observation on ''Civil Liability'' in the Civil Code of China
- 論日常家事代理權視角下的夫妻共同債務構成 The Composition of Spousal Joint Debt in the Perspective of Daily Family Agency
- 論黑社會性質組織的非法控制(危害性)特徵 On the Characteristics of Illegal Control ( Harmfulness) of Mafia-like Organizations
- 黑社會性質組織“組織特徵”解釋論 Interpretation of the ''Organizational Characteristics'' of Mafia -like Organizations
- 後民法典時代知識產權法學的私法研究範式 Private Law Paradigm of Research on Intellectual Property Law in the Post-Civil Code Era
- 知識產權制度設計的省思──以保護對象的屬性和利用方式為邏輯起點 Reflections on the Design of Intellectual Property System: Starting from the Nature and Utilization of Protected Objects
- 論憲法全面實施 On the Full Implementation of the Constitution
- 論刑事指導性案例對刑法解釋功能的補足 The Supplementary Function of Criminal Guiding Cases on Interpreting Criminal Law
- 論我國關聯企業實質合併預重整制度的構建 Constructing Pre-reorganization System of Substantive Merger of Affiliated Enterprises in China
- 服刑人員養老金:懲罰性剝奪抑或限制性保護──勞社廳函[2001]44號及補充說明函之檢討 Pension for Prisoners: Punitive Deprivation or Restrictive Protection? -A Review of No. 44 Letter of the General Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and Its Supplementary Explanation
- 論刑事證據的同一性審查 Identity Review on Criminal Evidences
- 我國新訴訟資料釋明的反思與重構──以《九民會議紀要》與《新證據規定》為中心的解讀 Reflection and Reconstruction of Interpreting New Litigation Materials in China: A Decoding on the Minutes [2019] 254 and the New Evidence Regulations
- 論《聯合國國際貨物銷售合同公約》的動態解釋及可參照資料 On the Dynamic Interpretation of CISG and Reference Materials
- 探春斷事:法律決策的情境與性情 Tanchun Deciding Cases: Situation and Temperament of Legal Decisions