201907 (2019:4期)期所有篇 |
- 民法典視野下“本人沉默視為同意”規則的再造 Reconstruction of the 'Silent as Consent' Rule in the Perspective of the Civil Code
- 民法典繼承編草案的反思與重構 Reflection and Reconstruction of the Draft of Succession Part of Civil Code
- 人工智能生成發明的專利法之問 An Patent Law Inquiry into Artificial Intelligence to Generate Invention
- 網絡聚合平臺深層鏈接著作權侵權責任的合理配置 Reasonable Allocation of Deep Link Copyright Infringement Liability in Network Aggregation Platform
- 黨政機構融合與行政法的回應 The Combination of Party and Government Organizations and the Response of Administrative Law
- 地方保護主義的司法抑制之困:中央化司法控制進路的實證研究--以執行涉外仲裁裁決內部報告制度為切入視角 The Judicial Restraint of Local Protectionism: An Empirical Study of the Centralized Judicial Control Approach–A Perspective of the Internal Reporting System of Implementing Foreign–Related Arbitral Awards
- 國際海底區域開發規章草案的發展演變與中國的因應 The Development of the Draft Prospecting Regulations of International Seabed Areas and China's Countermeasures
- 認罪案件證明標準層次化研究--基於證明標準結構理論的分析 On the Layers of the Standard of Guilty Plea: An Analysis Based on the of Proof Standard Structure Theory
- 新時代勞動法的功能拓展與制度調適 Expanding Functions and System Adjustment of Labor Law in the New Era
- 我國經營者集中競爭評估審查因素的改造及完善路徑:以波特“五力模型”為基礎 The Transformation and Improvement of the Concentration Competition Evaluation Review Factors of the of Economic Operators: Based on Porter's 'Five-Force Model'
- 實質預備犯語境下宣揚恐怖主義、極端主義罪的教義學重述 The Doctrine Restatement of Promoting Terrorism and Extremism in the Context of Substantial Preparatory Crime
- 論虛假訴訟的規範性質與程序架構 On the Nature of Rules and Process Structure of False Litigation
- 利益衡量視角下行為保全適用條件研究 A Study on the Applicable Conditions of Behavior Preservation from the Perspective of Interest Measurement