201507 (2015:4期)期所有篇 |
- 從行政行為到行政方式:中國行政法學立論中心的挪移 From Administrative Activities to Administrative Mode: The Shift of Focus in China's Administrative Law
- 我國中央與地方關係的法治化議題 The Topics of Rule of Law in the Relationship between Central and Regional Governments
- 環境權的請求權功能:從理論到實踐 The Claim Function of Right to Environment: From Theory to Practice
- “二人以上共同故意犯罪”的再解釋--全面檢討關於共同犯罪成立條件之通說 Reinterpretation of 'Joint Intentional Crime by More than Two Persons' : The Factors of Joint Crime Re--examined
- 基金會享受稅收優惠的體制重建研究 Reconstruction on Favorable Tax Conditions for Foundations
- 地震災害中“二次傷害”心理危機的法律干預條件--以《心理救援條例》制定與頒行的障礙為視角 Conditions concerning Legal Intervention towards Psychology Crisis as 'Double Hurts': A Perspective on the Hindrance of Psychological Rescue Regulations
- 我國民法典編纂中的團體法思維 The Thinking of Community Law in the Codification of Civil Law in China
- 論票據關係對原因關係之影響 The Influence of Relationship in Negotiable Instruments on Relationship of Transaction
- 勞動法上用人單位:內涵厘定與立法考察 Employers in Labor Law: Definition and Legislations
- 論刑事判決在民事訴訟中的預決力 Pre-definitive Effectiveness of Criminal Sentences in the Civil Proceedings
- 人民陪審員制度啟動模式研究 A Study on the Initiation of People's Assessors
- 中國指導性案例生成的行政化邏輯--以最高人民法院發佈的指導性案例為分析對象 Administrative Logics in the Creation of Guiding Cases: An Analysis Based on the Guiding Cases Issued by the Supreme People's Court
- 論仲裁司法審查理念之變遷--以N市中院申請撤銷國內仲裁裁決裁定為基礎 The Evolution of Judicial Review on Arbitration: A Study Based on the Decisions of Intermediate People's Court of City N on Setting aside Domestic Arbitral Awards
- 中日釣魚島之爭中的條約動態解釋誖論 Paradox on Dynamic Interpretation of Treaties in the Sino-Japanese Dispute over Diaoyu Dao
- 2014年孟加拉與印度孟加拉灣劃界案評述--兼論對中菲南海仲裁案的啟示 A Comment on the Case Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary Arbitration between Bangladesh and India: Its Implication on South China Sea Arbitration Case between the Philippines and China