201403 (28:2期)期所有篇 |
- 我國憲法私法效力問題的基礎認知——基於中西比較的立場 A Basic Understanding on the Private Law Effect of the Constitutional Law of China
- 「低保信息永久公示」的制度邏輯及其法學批判 The Institutional Logic and Legal Critiques on 'Permanent Publicity of Subsistence Security Information'
- 行政裁量基準創制模式研究 A Study on the Creation Model of Administrative Discretion Benchmarks
- 美國死刑適用的最新現狀及走向 The Status - qup and Trend of the Application of Death Penalty in the US
- 從首例「男男強姦案」司法裁判看刑法解釋的保守性 On the Conservation Nature in the Interpretation of Crimainal Law : A Study Based on the Judicail Decision of the First Case of Rape between Males
- 不動產統一登記視野下的農村房屋登記:困境與出路 The Difficult Situation and Way out for Registration of Rural Houses in the Perspective of Unified Registration for Real Properties
- 我國公司法建構中的國家角色 The Role of the State in the Construction of Company Law of China
- 「保險法」第57條立法解析及其完善 Legislative Analysis and Perfection of Areicle 57 of Insurance Law
- 調審適度分離:「調解歸調解,審判歸審判」的另一途徑——以南京丙級法院改革試點工作為研究對象 Moderate Separation of Mediation and Judiciary : The Experiences of Reforms in Nanjing Courts
- 司法確認程序之探討——對「民事訴訟法」第194-195條的解釋 An Inquiry into Judiciary Affirmation Procedure Based on the Interpretation of Articles 194-195 of Civil Procedure Law
- 論法定證據種類概念之無價值 The Meaningless of the Concepte of Legal Evidence Category
- 對質權演進評述——以克勞福德判例為觀察起點 Comments on the Evolution of Liens Inspired by Crawford Case
- 中國社會糾紛多元調解機制的新探討 New Exploration on Multiple Mediation Mechanisms for Social Disputes in China
- 社會變遷與金融法的時代品格 Social Transition and characteristics of Financial Law of the epoch
- 國際法制何以必要——基於實踐與理論的闡釋 Why International Rule of Law is Desirable : An Expound Concerning Theory and Practice
- 「中國入世議定書」法律性質之分析 An Analysis on the Legal Nature of China's Accession Protocol