清华法学 Tsinghua Law journal |
201411 (8:6期)期所有篇 |
- 民法典編纂的願景與構想 Perceptions and Prefigurations: the Chinese Civil Code
- 民法典的時代特徵和編纂步驟 The Chinese Civil Code's Periodic Characteristics and Steps towards Codification
- 中國民法典的生活世界、價值體系與立法表達 The Life World, Value System, and Legislative Representation of a Chinese Civil Code
- 關於編纂民法典須處理的幾種關係的思考 Misgivings on the Configuration of Specific Relations in the Chinese Civil Code
- 編纂民法典必須擺正幾對關係 Configuring Specific Relations in the Chinese Civil Code
- 民法典的規範類型及其配置關係 The Categorization and Collocation of Norms in the Chinese Civil Code
- 民法典的規範表達研究 The Normalization and Codification of the Chinese Civil Code
- 論民法典中債法總則之存廢 Whither the Section for ‘General Principles of Law of Obligations' ?
- 重識法學:學科矩陣的建構 Re-understanding Law: The Construction of a Conceptual Matrix for Law as a Discipline
- 勞動者忠實義務論 The Faithful Obligation of Employees in Labour Law
- 民國初年的司法獨立--司法總長梁啟超的理論與實踐 Judicial Independence in Early Republican China: Attomey General Liang Qichao's Theory and Praxis
- 依違於禮教與宗教之間--《欽定大清刑律》“發掘墳墓罪”研究 Between Ethic Rule and Religious Norm: ‘Tomb Robbers’ on the Great Qing Code
- 人權的中國特色及其普遍性之途--評安靖如的《人權與中國思想:一種跨文化的探索》 Human Rights and Chinese Thought: A Cross-Cultural Inquiry by Stephen C Angel