清华法学 Tsinghua Law journal |
201409 (8:5期)期所有篇 |
- 納稅人看得見的法治 Rule of Law to Be Seen by Taxpayers
- 論財稅體制改革的正當性--公共財產法語境下的治理邏輯 The Legitimacy of Fiscal and Taxation System Reform:The Logic of Govemance in the Context of Public Property Law
- 法治財稅:從理想圖景到現實訴求 Fiscal and Taxation under Law: Ideals and Factors
- 論預算審批權的規範與運作--基於法治建構的考量 Regulating and Implementing the Competence to Approve Budget: Considerations on the Legal Infrastructure
- 可持續的地方稅體系之構建--以稅權配置為視角 Building a Sustainable Local Tax System: The Configuration of Powers to Tax
- 論房產稅徵稅對象選擇與稅收減免--以稅負平等為視角 The Objects of Real Estate Tax and Tax Exemption: Equality in Taxation
- 論建立事權與支出責任相適應的法律制度--理論基礎與立法路徑 A Legal System Coordinating Administrative Powers with Fiscal Responsibilities: Theoretical Foundation and Legislative Approach
- 解讀司法改革--走向權能、資源與責任之新的均衡 Interpreting Judicial Reform: A New Equilibrium of Powers,Resources,and Responsibilities
- 全國人大常委會基本法律修改權行使的實證分析 An Empirical Analysis of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress's Amendments to ‘Basic Laws’
- 公司資本制度改革:解讀辨析 The Reform of Capital System Interpretations and Analyses
- 從等價報應到積極的一般預防--黑格爾刑罰理論的新解讀及其啟示 A Theoretical Shift from Equal Revenge to General Prevention: A New Interpretation for Hegal's Theory of Punishment and Its Implications
- 先前行為保證人地位的理論跟據 A Theoretical Basis for the Status of 'Guarantor in an Antecedent Act' in Criminal Law