由 「年老女性」以及 「少女」觀察日本宮崎駿動畫中之社會文化形象 The social cultural form of the Miyazaki Hayao animation film work; mainly with a power relationship of ''old woman'' and ''girl''
太宰治『惜別』的創作方法-與同時期作品之關連性 The literary creation of ''Sekibetsu'': the relation between Dazaiosamu's other writings during the same period
北川冬彥的〈電影劇本文學〉的實踐-藉由電影劇本《阿Q正傳》的構成特色作分析 Kitagawa Huyuhiko’s Practice of:Through the Analysis of the Composition Features inside the Scenario ''Ah Q’s True Story''
從第1面版面傳達模式以及構成排列來分析新聞報導之視覺元素 Text analysis of a visual element in newspaper space: From positioning of ''the communication mode'' and a component of the front page
「日語談話資料庫(CSJ)」中 「課題指向対話」發話文體的分析-從禮貌觀點來看 Analysis of speech level in ''the task point talks'' by CSJ (Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese): From the viewpoint of Politeness theory