漢學研究 Chinese Studies |
201809 (36:3期)期所有篇 |
- 「漢語方言層次研究專輯」導言 Preface: Strata in Chinese Dialects
- 吳語時間層次研究簡史--兼憶周師祖謨先生 A brief history of the discovery of chronological strata in the Wu dialects and in memory of Professor Zhou Zumo
- 吳語處衢方言中古山攝字群的歷史音韻析層擬測 Phonological Strata Analysis of Shan Group Cognates in the Chu-Qu Subgroup of Wu Dialects
- 客家話臻攝字讀低元音的時間層次--三個客語本字的考證 The Chronological Stratum of Zhen Group finals with Low Vowels in Hakka: Examining Three Hakka Etymologies
- 論原始閩語中咸攝字的擬測及相關問題 On the Reconstructions of Xián Shè Cognates in Proto Min and Related Issues
- 析論閩語上古層異部多重同讀的複雜現象 Discussion on the Multiplicity of the Identical Finals in Min but from different Rhymes of the Archaic Chinese
- 潮州方言的「正音」與新文讀層次 Zhengyin and the New Literary Pronunciation of Chaozhou Dialect
- 漢字、文讀與構詞層次──廈門話和汕頭話比較的啟示 The interfaces between Chinese characters, literary readings and morphological strata: The cases of Xiàmén Mǐn and Shàntóu Mǐn
- 宋元韻圖果假合流的語音基礎 The Phonetic Basis for the Jia-Guo Group Merge in Song and Yuan Rhyme Tabless
- 吳語、江淮官話的層次分類--以古從邪崇船禪諸聲母的讀音層次為依據 Strata Subgrouping of Wu and Jianghuai Mandarin Dialects Based on the Pronunciations of Some Initials in Middle Chinese