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On the Reconstructions of Xián Shè Cognates in Proto Min and Related Issues
作者 吳瑞文
本文根據歷史語言學的比較方法,透過同源詞的比較,探討中古咸攝開口字在原始閩語(即共同閩語)中的層次,並進行其音韻形式的擬測。關於咸攝字在原始閩語中的表現,Norman(1981)已經提出初步的構擬,同源詞例包括:*əm南含暗/*əp鴿、*am蠶、*ɑm三籃敢/*ɑp合、*ap狹、*em點店念/*ep貼、*iam鉗鹽染/*iap接*iɑm/*iɑp等。2值得探究的是,開口一等有三種對應,開口三等有兩種對應,顯示咸攝開口字的一三等在原始閩語中已經存在層次問題,其層次關係孰早孰晚?另外,咸攝開口四等構擬為*-em/-ep,有些學者認為這是中古四等沒有-i-介音的證據,也已有學者嘗試以層次分析的觀點提出相反的看法。然則咸攝開口四等是否僅有一個層次?抑或仍有更多層次需要發掘?咸攝開口二等的陽聲韻字應該如何構擬?是否有更多對應?凡此都是值得深入探究的問題。本文的目的即擬在Norman既有的基礎上,在閩語三個主要分支(閩南、閩東和閩北)中各選取6個方言,透過由下而上,分階構擬的方式來重建原始閩語次方言及最早的原始閩語。本文的研究指出:1.原始閩語中咸攝開口字可以構擬出9套韻母,其中5套為Norman既有的擬音,3套是本文提出的。同時本文還將Norman的*-em/*-ep改為*-aim/*-aip。2.從中古音的觀點來看,原始閩語存在咸攝一等重韻、二等重韻及三四等的音韻對立。其中咸攝二等重韻的對立與文獻中記錄的洽狎之別相符。這個證據顯示,原始閩語有一個白話層次來自六朝時期的古江東方言。 This paper aims to reconstruct the proto finals of Xién Shè in proto Min by comparative method and analysis of phonological strata. Norman (1981) proposed whole proto Min finals, which is a good foundation for us to explore further. According to Norman (1981), the proto forms of Xián Shè are as follows: *əm 南含暗 , *əp 鴿 ,*am 蠶 ,*ɑm 三籃敢 ,*ɑp 合 ,*ap 狹 ,*iam 鉗 鹽染 ,*iap 接 ,*em 點店念 ,*ep 貼 ,*iɑm,*iɑp.50 The finals show several important phenonena: 1. The Yáng-sheng category of Xián Shè Grade Ⅰ has three kinds of phononogical correspondence: *-əm, *-am and *-ɑm. However, by contrast, the Rù-sheng category of Xián Shè Grade Ⅰ has only two kinds of correspondence: *-əp and *-ɑp. 2. Xián Shè Grade Ⅱ has only one kind of correspondence: *-ap, which is reconstructed by one cognate. 3. Xián Shè Grade Ⅲ has two kinds of correspondence, i.e. *-iam/*-iap and *-iɑm/*-iɑp. The correspondences show a systematic parallel of Yáng-sheng and Rù-sheng categories. 4. Xián Shè Grade Ⅳ has only one kind of correspondence, i.e. *-em/*-ep. To begin with, different Grades of Xián Shè have different correspondences. This phenomenon shows that there are diachronic strata in proto Min. The first question is to clarify the earlier strata and later strata. Then, the proto finals *-em/*-ep suggest that the phononogical structure of Xián Shè Grade- Ⅳ of Middle Chinese does not contain any medium element. This issue is also under debate. In addition, are there more strata lie in every Grade of Xián Shè? The questions mentioned above are worth to explore. In this paper, based on Norman's work, I will reconstruct proto Min by the extending dialectal material and the strict bottom-up method. My conclution indicates: 1. According to the correspondences of proto Southern Min, proto Eastern Min and proto Northern Min, I reconstruct nine kinds of proto finals for Xián Shè in proto Min. Among nine finals, five of them are accepted form Norman's reconstruction and three of them are my opinion. Meanwhile, I modified Norman's *-em/*-ep as *-aim/*-aip. 2. From the perspective of Chinese historical phonology, proto Min possesses several phononogical distinctions, such as the contrast of Grade Ⅰ double rhymes, the contrast of Grade Ⅱ double rhymes and the contrast of Grade Ⅲ and Grade Ⅳ . The contrast of Grade Ⅱ double rhymes conforms to Qià Xiá Zhi Bié ( 洽狎之別 ) recorded by Middle Chinese documentation. It suggests that one of the colloquial stratum in proto Min is descended from Old Jiang Dong dialect of the Six Dynasties period.
起訖頁 91-161
關鍵詞 原始閩語比較方法咸攝洽狎之別歷史語言學proto Mincomparative methodXián ShèQià Xiá Zhi Biéhistorical linguisticas
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201809 (36:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 客家話臻攝字讀低元音的時間層次--三個客語本字的考證
該期刊-下一篇 析論閩語上古層異部多重同讀的複雜現象




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