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Discussion on the Multiplicity of the Identical Finals in Min but from different Rhymes of the Archaic Chinese
作者 杜佳倫
閩語韻讀的歷史層次相當豐富,其中「上古層」超越切韻架構,且不分中古開合口及四等區別,不僅上古同韻部來源者多為同讀,又經常表現不同古韻部之間具同讀甚至多重同讀現象。本文即以閩語上古層異部多重同讀的韻讀作為分析研究的對象,首先探討語言接觸過程中形成層次的機制與演變方式;接著運用修定的層次分析方法辨析閩語上古層的韻讀對應規則,尤其著重不符規則的其他韻讀,並以上古漢語韻部系統作為歷史參照,彙整其中複雜的異部多重同讀現象;然後兼從語言系統外部、內部兩種角度切入,詳細探討「異部多重同讀」的關鍵因素,從而釐清閩語上古層若干特殊韻讀所反映的接觸干擾及層次競爭變異;本文重要結論如下:11.閩語上古層有一類反映「古脂微祭同讀、古真文元同讀」的合口韻讀,該韻讀超越中古韻攝,反映上古脂微祭、真文元同部共讀的歷史音韻關係,並具有不分開合、不限等第、陰陽入緊密相應等重要結構特點。對古脂真部、古祭元部來說,該韻讀極可能來自受到楚地方音影響的稍晚層次。2.閩語另有一項古之脂佳、古蒸真耕同讀細音韻的過渡層次,對於古之蒸1等語詞及古佳耕部來說,該韻讀在音韻結構上反映「古之脂佳、古蒸真耕同讀」的閩地音韻獨特性,但韻讀表現上則受到層次競爭所帶動的類推性擴散變異影響,形成不合規則的特殊韻讀。3.閩語古真文元同讀層具有多項韻讀,一方面在歷史音韻分合關係上反映楚地方音合韻特點,另一方面在韻讀表現上則受到語言系統內部層次競爭而帶動相關音讀發生類推變異,遂造成*un、*in(少數*«n)等多重異讀表現。 This paper focuses on the multiplicity of the identical finals in Min but from different rhymes of the Archaic Chinese. I use the method of strata analysis to differentiate this kind of irregular fimals, and discuss the mechanism of variations resulted from language contact. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The identical finals in Min of the archaic rime categories “Zhi, Wei, Ji 脂微祭 ” and “Zhen, Wen, Yuan 真文元 ”, which show the critical structural features of not distinguishing the Qieyun Grades and both from the rounded and unrounded types of Yunjing, represent the strata resulted from language contact between the the Archaic Min dialect and the Chu dialect after the Western Han Dynasty. (2) There is another transitional strata which has the identical finals of the front-high voewls of the archaic rime categories “Zhi, Zhi, Jia 之脂佳 ” and “Zheng, Zhen, Geng 蒸真耕 ”. Such irregular fimals may resulted from the analogical variation caused by the competition of different stratum. (3) The identical finals of the archaic rime categories “Zhen, Wen, Yuan 真文元 ”, which contain *un and *in, are also due to the analogical variation caused by the competition of different stratum.
起訖頁 163-207
關鍵詞 閩語上古層異部多重同讀層次分析競爭變異Minthe identical finals from different rhymesanalysis of stratavariation resulted from competition
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201809 (36:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論原始閩語中咸攝字的擬測及相關問題
該期刊-下一篇 潮州方言的「正音」與新文讀層次




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