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Zhengyin and the New Literary Pronunciation of Chaozhou Dialect
作者 張堅
在十九世紀中後期西方傳教士和本地文人編著的文獻中,都有關於潮州方言書面語讀書音「正音」的紀錄。本文考察這類「正音」的使用範圍及習得方法,利用這些材料考證潮州方言「正音」的音系及其性質,指出明代戲曲官話的推廣及在清代「正音運動」的影響下,潮州方言與權威方言接觸而形成了與福建本土閩南方言有別的新文讀層次。 Documents written and compiled by Western missionaries and local literati in the mid to late 19th century record the standardized literary pronunciation of Chaozhou 潮州 dialect, known as zhengyin 正音 . This paper draws upon these materials to investigate the scope of zhengyin's use and ways in which it was learned, while also utilizing the texts to ascertain zhengyin's sound system and linguistic properties. This research reveals that, influenced by the spread of Mandarin through traditional opera during the Ming dynasty and by zhengyin movements during the Qing, contact between Chaozhou dialect and the prestige dialect resulted in a new layer of literary pronunciation distinct from Fujian's local Minnan 閩南 dialect.
起訖頁 209-234
關鍵詞 潮州方言「正音」新文讀層次羅馬字語料Chaozhou dialectzhengyinnew literary pronunciationromanized dialect records
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201809 (36:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 析論閩語上古層異部多重同讀的複雜現象
該期刊-下一篇 漢字、文讀與構詞層次──廈門話和汕頭話比較的啟示




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