漢儒三代質文論脈絡考察 Han Scholars' Three Dynasties Cultural Theory
鄭玄《尚書》曆譜與周初年代學研究 Zheng Xuan's Chronology of the Western Zhou Dynasty and "Shang Shu" Calendar
《數》、《筭數書》和《九章筭術》中一類楔形體研究--兼論中國早期求積算法的某些特點 The Method for Finding the Volume of a Set of Wedges in "Shu, Suanshu Shu" and "Jiuzhang Suanshu": With a Discussion of Some Characteristics of the Methods for Calculating Solid Volumes in Early China
頓悟與漸修--謝靈運〈辨宗論〉重探 Sudden Enlightenment and Gradual Learning: A Re-examination of Xie Lingyun's "Bianzong Lun"
平安朝和漢文學對《世說新語》之受容 The Reception of "Shishuo Xinyu" in Heian-era Literature
使秦、挾秦與剌秦--從1942年「易水送別圖題詠」論汪精衛晚年的烈士情結 Emissary, Duress, and Assassination in the Kingdom of Qin: Wang Ching-wei's Martyr Complex and the Inscriptions on the Painting "Farewell at Yishui"
雅瑤粵語完全丟失唇塞音聲母的背後成因 The Yue Sub-Dialect Yayao: The Process of and Phonetic Motivation for the Loss of Its Bilabial Obstruent Initials
上博八〈子道餓〉新探 A New Study of the Bamboo-Slip Text "Zi Dao E" Published in the Shanghai Museum Corpus (Vol. 8)