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The Reception of "Shishuo Xinyu" in Heian-era Literature
作者 劉家幸
The appearance of "Shishuo xinyu" 世說新語in the booklist "Nihon-Koku kenzaisho mokurok" 日本國見在書目錄shows that it was transmitted to Japan very early on. Based on an analysis of sUfViving books from the Heian era 平安朝, this paper reveals several aspects of Shishuo xinyu's reception in the Japanese literature of the time: 1. Following its arrival in Japan, Japanese readers came to regard it as a Chinese classic, and the demands of an expanding readership gave birth to an annotated edition; 2. Heian-era writers compiled dictionaries of vocabulary appearing in "Shishuo xinyu"; 3. People incorporated well-known stories and vocabulary from the "Shishuo xinyu" into the classical Chinese poetry they wrote; 4. The stories were rewritten in Japanese retaining the spirit of the original, further combining local aesthetic elements during translation to create a new style of textual interpretation. This demonstrates that the popularity of "Shishuo xinyu" had an enormous impact on Japanese literature.
起訖頁 161-192
關鍵詞 平安朝世說新語和漢文學故事情節文學傳播Heian era"Shishuo xinyu"JapaneseChinese literaturestorylinedissemination of literature
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201409 (32:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 關於《文選》哀策問題及其文體特色
該期刊-下一篇 使秦、挾秦與剌秦--從1942年「易水送別圖題詠」論汪精衛晚年的烈士情結




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