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Laments in the "Wen Xuan"
作者 何維剛
Laments 哀策first appeared at the beginning of the Six Dynasties and flourished during the Southern Dynasties. Laments are closely similar to dirges 誄文in terms of form, the occasions on which they were used, and the fact that they recount the merits and lament the passing of the deceased. In recent years this literary form has been under-researched, leaving many unanswered questions. The ai 哀category in the current edition of the Wen xuan 文選 annotated by Li Shan 李善appears as aice 哀策in both the Chen Balang 陳八郎edition annotated by the Five Officials 五臣and in the Junzhai dushu zhi (郡齋讀書志Junzhai Studio Reading List). Laments are strictly confined to Emperors,. Queens, Crown Princes, and Crown Princesses, and tend to be written in the Emperor's voice. Their exaggerated style contrasts with the narrative and expressive logic of traditional literature. Three laments were selected for the Wen xuan: Pan Yue's 潘岳"Etemal Mouming" 哀永逝文, Yan Yanzhi's 顏延之"Lament for Queen Wenyuan of the Song" 宋文元皇后哀策文, and Xie Tiao's 謝脁“Lament for Queen Qijing"齊敬皇后哀策. This article explores why Xiao Tong 蕭統chose these three examples of laments and the significance of each to the form.
起訖頁 129-159
關鍵詞 文選潘岳哀策謝脁顏延之"Wen xuan"Pan YuelamentXie TiaoYan Yanzhi
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201409 (32:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 頓悟與漸修--謝靈運〈辨宗論〉重探
該期刊-下一篇 平安朝和漢文學對《世說新語》之受容




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