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利瑪竇《萬國二圜圖》與馮應京印"doi mappamondi piccoli"考
On Matteo Ricci's Wanguo Er Yuan Tu and Feng Yingjing's Print of "doi mappamondi piccolo"
作者 徐光台
關於利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci, 1552-1610)〈萬國二圜圖〉與他記載馮應京(1555-1606)印"doi mappamondi piccoli"的起源、名稱與年代,過去說法不一,且將二者糾連。由於原圖失佚,本文採歷史地理觀點來重啟議題,就二圖與序的歷史脈絡,以一連串歷史推論來論析它們的源起與所指,並闡釋此一問題的歷史意義。在〈考利瑪竇的世界地圖〉(1936)中,洪業(1893-1980)將"doi mappamondi piccoli"譯為「世界輿地二小圖」,認為是〈方輿勝略〉(1610)東西半球兩小圖,將其與《萬國二圜圖》糾連。筆者發現,〈萬國二圜圖》出自張京元推動,於1607年秋刊刻,與馮應京印"doi mappamondi piccoli"無關。利瑪竇記載的"doi mappamondi piccoli"是小寫,不像完整地圖專作,未提它們是什麼與是他送馮應京的。本文推論它們出自《山海輿地全圖〉(1600),經改繪與調整,印入《月令廣義〉(1602)中的二小世界圖。
Past scholars have examined the question of Matteo Ricci's Wanguo er yuan 萬國二圜圖 and his mention of "doi mappamondi piccoli" printed by Feng Yingjing 馮應京 (1555-1606). However, they disagree on their origins. titles, and years of publication, and cannot distinguish them. Since the original maps are lost, this paper re-examines this issue from the viewpoint of historical geography: the author will build a sequence of historical inferences in order to clarify the origin of the maps, to which maps "doi mappamondi piccoli" refers, as well as explaining the history of this issue. In his "Evidential Study on Matteo Ricci's World Map" (1936), Hong Ye 洪業 (1893-I980) translates "doi mappamondi piccoli" as " two small geographical world maps," stating them to be the maps of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres that appeared in the Fang yu sheng lüe 方輿勝略(1610), and identifying them with Yudi quan tu 輿地全圖 and Wanguo er yuan tu. In fact it wa Zhang Jingyuan 張京元 who persuaded Ricci to produce Wanguo er yuan tu and who printed it in 1607. It was unrelated to Feng Yingjing and "doi mappamondi piccoli" Ricci neither mentioned what the "doi mappamondi piccoli' were. nor gave them to Feng Yingjing. Uncapitalized. "dol mappamndi piccoli" does not seem to refer to a complete world map. This paper infers that Feng obtained a copy of Ricci's Shanhai yudi quan tu 山海輿地全圖 (1600), which contain several small diagrams, then selected, modified and printed two of them in his work Yueling guangyi 月令廣義(1602).
起訖頁 287-310
關鍵詞 利瑪竇馮應京萬國二圜圖張京元洪業Matteo RicciFeng Yingjing"doi mappamondi piccolo"Wanguo er yuan tuZhang JingyuanHong Ye
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201409 (32:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 上博八〈子道餓〉新探
該期刊-下一篇 書評:夫馬進著,伍躍譯《朝鮮燕行使與朝鮮通信使:使節視野中的中國、日本》




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