漢學研究 Chinese Studies |
201403 (32:1期)期所有篇 |
- 釋「弁」與「變」--簡帛〈五行〉多層次的身心書寫 The Multi-layered Discourses of the Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of the 'Five Virtues'
- 略論中古子籍的整理--從嚴可均的工作談起 An Outline Discussion of Past Studies on the Works of Medieval Masters and Philosophers Beginning with the Work of Yan Kejun
- 家國之間--南北朝末期至唐初醫術世家的身份嬗變及其與國家醫學機構之互動 The Imperial Medical Office and the Transformation of Identities of Aristocratic Physicians from the Late Six Dynasties through the Early Tang
- 身體內的遊歷--內丹視域下的《西遊記》 A Journey Inside the Body: Inner Alchemy in 'Journey to the West'
- 祀典與敘事--重探明清北嶽移祀及其空間意象 Rites and Narrative: Re-examining the Relocation of the Beiyue Rite and Associated Spatial Imagery in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
- 渡邊蒙菴《詩傳惡石》對朱熹《詩集傳》之批判--兼論其對古文辭學派《詩經》觀之繼承 Criticism of Zhu Xi's 'Shiji Zhuan' in Watanabe Moan's 'Shiden-Aku Seki' and a Discussion of the Kobunzi Gakuha's Views on the 'Book of Odes'
- 皆川淇園「開物學」架構與應用試析 Kien Minagawa's Kaibutsugaku
- 花落.花開--1950年後張愛玲與《海上花列傳》的平淡寫實 Zhang Ailing's Post-1950 Interpretation of 'Haishang Hua Liezhuan''s Prosaic Realism
- 成都話的重疊構詞及變調 Tone Sandhi in Chengdu Dialect Reduplication
- 臺灣客語「怕」之情態演變--語法化與主觀化之觀點 Model Development of Pa3 in Taiwanese Hakka: Grammaticalization and Subjectification
- 書評:何冠環《攀龍附鳳:北宋潞州上黨李氏外戚將門研究》 Book Reviews: Ho Koon-Wan 'New Aristocracy in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1126): A Study of the Eminent Li Clan of Generals and Imperial in-laws from the Shangdang Prefecture'
- 書評:陳瑞《明清徽州宗族與鄉村社會控制》 Book Review: Chen Rui 'A Study of Rural Social Control of Huizhou Clans in the Ming and Qing Dynasties'
- 書評:黎子鵬《宗教交涉:十九世紀基督教書冊的漢譯事業》 Book Review: John T. P. Lai 'Negotiating Religious Gaps: The Enterprise of Translating Christian Tracts by Protestant Missionaries in Nineteenth-Century China'