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The Imperial Medical Office and the Transformation of Identities of Aristocratic Physicians from the Late Six Dynasties through the Early Tang
作者 陳昊
This article explores the changing self-representation of physician of aristocratic descent as, over time, they established, maintained, and abandoned distinguished traditions of medical expertise. These shift involved conflicts between career concerns, considerations of social status, and an orientation that deemed filial piety as the primary end of medical practice. The Chinese state' effort to institutionalize medical practitioners reached a climax in the Sui dynasty (581-618 C.E.), with the establishment of the Imperial Medical Office. However, the tension between cultural distinction and state employment continued to haunt physicians of aristocratic descent. The nostalgia for a relatively independent cultural identity was intensified when the early Tang state enacted regulations to strictly confine their promotion trajectories to the medical bureaucracy, thereby reinforcing physician' social segregation. They were left with a choice between remaining a member of the elite with a personal interest in medicine, and developing a career as a medical officer. These tensions precipitated ongoing debates throughout the Tang.
起訖頁 73-98
關鍵詞 南北朝隋唐醫術世家太醫署技術官身分認同Six DynastiesSui and Tang dynastiesaristocratic physiciansImperial Medical Officetechnocratidentity
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201403 (32:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 略論中古子籍的整理--從嚴可均的工作談起
該期刊-下一篇 身體內的遊歷--內丹視域下的《西遊記》




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