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A Journey Inside the Body: Inner Alchemy in 'Journey to the West'
作者 廖宣惠
The ”journey” in ”Journey to the west” 西遊記can be understood in different ways. Building on previous studies, this paper investigates the meaning of the term ”文章遊戲textual frolic” and how it is used to describe the progressively deeper stages in the practice of Daoist inner alchemy. This paper also examines how changes in name and form of the protagonist are used to represent the various transformations and levels of experience of the novel's characters. Also covered are the use of metonymical expressions and the softening of boundaries through the use of poetic metaphor, pithy formulas, and humor. Finally, this paper examines how the three stages of inner alchemy-refinement of essential matter into vital breath 煉精化氣, refinement of vital breath into spirit 煉氣化神, and refinement of spirit back to emptiness 煉神還虛-are presented metaphorically in the novel in terms of critical junctures and battles with demons along the journey. We can see how the master and his disciples practice austerities and interact with the demons, causing their bodies to shift, interchange and integrate, culminating in a unity of body and mind which transcends the ordinary human condition.
起訖頁 99-133
關鍵詞 西遊記內丹身體遊戲轉喻'Journey to the west'inner alchemybodyfrolicmetonymy
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201403 (32:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 家國之間--南北朝末期至唐初醫術世家的身份嬗變及其與國家醫學機構之互動
該期刊-下一篇 祀典與敘事--重探明清北嶽移祀及其空間意象




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