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Criticism of Zhu Xi's 'Shiji Zhuan' in Watanabe Moan's 'Shiden-Aku Seki' and a Discussion of the Kobunzi Gakuha's Views on the 'Book of Odes'
作者 張文朝
Watanabe Moan's views on the ”Book of Odes” are that it is an anthology of poems e pressing human emotion, with no fixed meaning; that the ode, of Zheng 鄭 are not immoral; that the ancient commentaries are complete. Such views pose dire ct challenges to Zhu Xi 朱熹, who believes that while some of the odes are didactic, others are immoral; who doubts and even emends some of the ode s; and who interprets them his own way. According to Watanabe, Zhu Xi's commentary should not be classified as a ”zhuan” ”傳 tradition,” but more modestly as a ”zhu” ”注 commentary.” This study also discusses Kobunzi Gakuha 古文辭學派 scholars' views on the ”Odes” and criticisms of Zhu Xi, concluding that they use Han dynasty scholars' closeness to antiquity a an argument for containing Zhu's novel theories. Though they try to de-canonize the ode and understand them as literary works, they reveal a desire for them to also serve a political function.
起訖頁 173-208
關鍵詞 古文辭學派渡邊蒙菴詩傳惡石朱熹詩集傳Kobunzi GakuhaWatanabe Moan'Shiden-aku seki'Zhu Xi'Shiji zhuan'
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201403 (32:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 祀典與敘事--重探明清北嶽移祀及其空間意象
該期刊-下一篇 皆川淇園「開物學」架構與應用試析




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