臺灣文學研究集刊 NTU Studies in Taiwan Literature |
200902 (5期)期所有篇 |
- 二十世紀初期的「西洋」:《漢文臺灣日日新報》通俗小說中的文化地景、敘事倫理與知識想像 The West at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: Cultural Landscape, Narrative Ethics and Knowledge Imagination in Popular Fictions in “Hanwen Taiwan Zi Zi Xin Pao”
- 試談幾個研究「東亞現代主義文學」的新框架──以臺灣為例 New Frames for the Study of East Asian Modernist Literature: The Case of Taiwan
- 「定向疊景」時期的爆發能量——早期葉維廉詩的突破與困境 The Explosive Power in the Period of “Directional Perspective”–The Poetics and Poetry of Wai-Lim Yip in Sixties
- 獻給永恆女神的禱詞──從七等生《譚郎的書信》論藝術實踐與自我完成 Prayers Dedicated to Goddess of Eternity - Discussion on the Realization of Arts and Self Actualization in “Tan Lang’s Letters” by Qi Deng Sheng
- 高雄半屏山形成傳說探源 The Study of the Origins of the Legends of Panpingshan’s Formation in Kaohsiung
- 臺灣閩南語本字考證三則 Three Etyma of Taiwan Southern Min
- 《荔鏡記》指示詞的語法、語義特點 Grammatical and Semantic Properties of Deictic Terms in Li Jing Ji