中文摘要 |
Li Jing Ji is the earliest extant Southern Min script of play written in a mixture of Chaozhou and Quanzhou dialects, a romance of Chen San and Wu Niang. The paper is mainly concerned with the five distal and proximate terms of deictics such as 只,拙,障,許 and 向. Given the locus of speaker taken as a frame of reference deictic terms fall into two types: proximates and distals. Proximates such as 只, 拙, and 障feature the initial ts- and distals such as 許 and 向, the initial h-. Deictic terms can be grouped into two classes, viz. simple and non-fusional terms such as 只 and 許, and fusional terms such as 拙,障, and 向 in terms of the relationship between word and sememe. The main purpose of the paper is to examine the constructions in which deictic terms appear in particular with respect to the syntagmatic relationship between deictic terms and other types of words. An attempt is also made to ferret out the grammatical features and semantic properties of each constructional type. |