中文摘要 |
1.表動詞嘗試義[k_h uã5 bãi6]的[bãi6]
2.[lua6 lua6 so2]四處閒晃的[lua6]
3.[t_h ŋ5 pak7 t_h eʔ7]赤裸上身的[t_h eʔ7]
The studies on the etyma of Chinese dialects are explorations of cognates between written documents and modern dialects, namely, researches of historical linguistics essentially. Therefore, finding out the phonological correspondence between ancient Chinese and modern dialects by applying comparative method strictly as well as cross validation between sister dialects could be conducive to select the correct written character from several possible forms and avoid confusions from later phonological phenomena. In this article, through the comparative studies between Chinese documents and modern dialects, I explore three etyma of Taiwan Southern Min, of which viewpoints among scholars are divergent. The etyma I would discuss are as follows: 1. [bãi6] in [V k_h uã5 bãi6], the complement element indicating “attempted aspect marker”. 2. [lua6] in [lua6 lua6 so2], the adverbial element indicating “strolling about”. 3. [t_h eʔ7] in [t_h ŋ5 pak7 t_h eʔ7], the complement element indicating “being naked”. In conclusion, I demonstrate that the Chinese etyma of [bãi6] is 覓, [lua6] is 邐, and [t_heʔ7] is 裼 respectively. |