朝陽人文社會學刊 Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
201710 (15:特刊期)期所有篇
我們真的需要英文嗎?國家整體英文能力表現和語言的經濟價值 Do We Need English? National English Proficiency and the Economic Value of a Language
運用英語交換日記在台灣的大學英語寫作課程之研究 A study on the use of exchanging diaries in tertiary English writing classes in Taiwan
超額與隱性翻譯的策略應用:哥德恐怖小說吸血鬼中譯本之比較研究 Overt and Covert Strategies for Translating a Gothic Horror Novel: A Comparison of Two Chinese Translations of The Vampyre: A Tale