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Overt and Covert Strategies for Translating a Gothic Horror Novel: A Comparison of Two Chinese Translations of The Vampyre: A Tale
作者 楊祖炎
小說作者约翰•威廉•波里道利(John William Polidori)出生於1797 年,在作者歷屆作品中,最著名的作品是《吸血鬼》。作者成功利用吸血鬼創造話題。藉由生動的文字描繪,讀者能深刻體會到吸血鬼超越自然與無法抗衡的能力。《吸血鬼》在哥德小說中是著名的代表作,作者也被稱為吸血鬼之父。然而,张逸夫與夏雨在 年所出版的大陸譯文,無法呈現原文所帶來的恐怖風格。本翻譯運用豪斯 (House, 1977)所提出的超額(overt translation)與隱性翻譯 (covert translation),致力重現原文的恐怖風格給中文讀者。過去有關超額翻譯 (overt translation)與隱性翻譯(covert translation) 的研究建議,品質良好的譯文能重現原文文化背景與知識給目標讀者,譯者能利用超額翻譯 (overt translation),立志保存原文的文化,再提供額外背景知識,得以讓讀者清楚了解譯文並能融入其中;同時譯者能使用隱性翻譯(covert translation),透過修飾讓句子更加淺顯易懂。文本分析會依台灣與大陸譯文做比較,接著以超額翻譯與隱性翻譯進行譯文的歸納比較。最後本研究會給予翻譯建議,希望對將來的譯者或相關研究有所幫助。
John William Polidori, the author of The Vampyre: A Tale, was born in 1797. TheVampyre is one of the most important works in the Gothic genre, because Polidori for thefirst time allowed readers to experience the visceral qualities of horror through what is called“vampirism” – the tales of vampires and their victims. Hence, Polidori became awell-regarded writer and one of the originators of vampire fiction. However, in analyzingthe simplified Chinese translation produced in China, the researcher found some sections ofThe Vampyre would not convey to Chinese readers the visceral experience of terror anddeath as originally written in English. The present study combines and applies JulianeHouse’s theories of overt and covert translation strategies for translating The Vampyreinconveying the feelings and ideas of vampirism from the original work. Previous studies onHouse’s theory suggest that successful translations of texts not only re-create sourceinformation but also provide richly detailed background information for readers’understanding. Readers tend to respond more emotionally to overt translation, fullyunderstanding the context; conversely, covert translation relies on lexical meaning to makethe text comprehensible. The present study elaborates on three steps in the textual analysis.First, two versions of translations will be categorized and analyzed: a simplified Chinesetranslation produced in China and sourced from the website Yeeyan.org; the other work istranslated by the researcher into Traditional Chinese. Second, the translation texts will becompared to see whether overt or covert translation strategies were adopted. Finally, theresearcher will provide suggestions and comments for future translators and researchers.The researcher expects that future translators will apply overt and covert strategies to thetranslated texts.
起訖頁 22-33
關鍵詞 超額翻譯隱性翻譯吸血鬼Overt translationcovert translationvampire
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201710 (15:特刊期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 運用英語交換日記在台灣的大學英語寫作課程之研究
該期刊-下一篇 將電子書: Sing Kids 融入課堂中用以加強幼兒的閱讀認知




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